
Showing posts with label thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thomas. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thomas & Friends YouTube Content: New Zealand

Here's another episode of the online series put together by Spider Eye for Hit Entertainment. In this episode Thomas travels to New Zealand.

I made the motion graphics title sequence (first 20 seconds) for this web series.  On this particular episode got to colour-in all the New Zealand backgrounds too.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

New Title Sequence for Thomas & Friends YouTube Content

On the BBC Radio 4 Today programme this morning, the 70th anniversary of Reverend W. Awdry creating the first of his 'Railway Series' stories for children was featured.

Growing-up as a child of the '70s, and something of a train-nerd, I loved these books, especially the rich and detailed illustrations. Long after I'd 'grown-up', Thomas the Tank Engine (and his friends) came to television and then became something of a merchandizing phenomenon too.

And now Thomas comes to the interwebs. Commissioned by Hit Entertainment and Produced by Spider Eye Ltd. , a new series of 'comic book' episodes is now arriving at platform YouTube.

I'm pleased to say I was asked to make the title sequence for this series (The first 20 seconds!) back in December and am now engaged in some background artworking for a few of the later episodes too. The first of the new webisodes 'Thomas Goes to New York' is online now, so I'm sharing a link to it here.

My bit is the motion graphics title sequence up until 0:20. Happy Birthday Thomas (& Friends).