
Showing posts with label corporate films. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate films. Show all posts

Thursday, June 11, 2015

New Video for Vanderpump & Sykes Solicitors

Well a couple of posts ago, I showed some still frames from a new motion graphics video I delivered for Vanderpump & Sykes Solicitors.

I've now added some stock music (from and got this down to a snappier two minutes in this new edit. The video is designed to play on a loop and run silently on a large screen at the firm's head office.

The video is mostly animated type with some simple 3D elements too. I completed the project using Cinema4D and After Effects.

These days I'm making a lot of short promos and web videos directly for all kinds of clients. Please see to find out more.

Here are a few stills from the video too...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

TfL Film update 'Start Your Journey'

The short promotional film I made last year (co-directed with Tobias Fouracre at TANDEM) for Transport for London has been re-released today on the TfL YouTube channel. I've recently been asked by TfL to make a few updates to the film to reflect their continuing development of the website.

Start Your Own Journey depicts a journey into London using the TfL website along the way to provide travel information whilst on the move. The film shows how the website now offers improved functionality to mobile users including location-based information and real-time travel status updates.

The film was made using stop-motion animation to depict a symbolic journey through the city, but simultaneously through the virtual environment of travel information and real-time data. We also think that this treatment helps introduce the TfL Journey Planner as an appealing and user-friendly aid to negotiating the city.

I'm looking to make more informational and promotional web films directly for clients this year. Whether using live action film or graphical animation techniques, such films can help to convey ideas to customers and bring clarity to complex or hard-to-describe conceptual messages.

Please do get in touch if you have a commercial project in mind which might benefit from a promotional film. I've made many TV commercials and promotional films using a variety of techniques and can certainly bring an appropriate and unique treatment to your project too. More of my work in this field can be found at

Friday, December 02, 2011

Simon Draws : The Hedgehog

Here's the third video in the series I have been editing for Simon's Cat Ltd. This time, the immensely-talented Simon Tofield shows how he draws his Hedgehog characters.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Simon Draws : The Kitten

Here's the second of the Simon Draws videos, this is a web series I've been editing for Simon's Cat Ltd. This time, the talented Mr. Simon Tofield shows you how to draw kittens.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Simon Draws: Simon's Cat

This last week at work I have been mostly editing for Simon's Cat Ltd. We're putting together some short educational films showing how the hugely talented Simon Tofield draws his amazing cartoons. This first film shows Simon sketching his much-loved Simon's Cat character complete with his own narration. Simon drew straight into Adobe Flash and we used screen capture software to record his performance. Simon's voice over was recorded simultaneously as high quality .wav files using an Edirol digital sound recorder and my Rode Videomic pro shotgun microphone. The backing music was specially recorded for the film by Shrooty (a.k.a. composer and sound designer Russell Pay).

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Information Film for Camelot Property Management

At the very end of last year I produced,directed,designed and edited this 13 minute corporate film for Camelot Property Management. The company rents out living spaces in properties that would otherwise lie dormant and unused. Camelot Property Management hired me to create an informational film to be presented to all prospective customers of their service.

Given the information-rich content of the film and the importance of the legal and safety information involved; the client and I decided on a very clean 'info-graphics' style for maximum clarity. The video contains text-animation, simple CGI animation, 2D graphical animation and some 'rotoscoped' live action characters too.

The entire video is now over on the Camelot website and YouTube channel, so I now feel happy to embed a link to the film...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Simon's Cat: Kitten Chaos Premiere Event Film

Well this IS very exciting! Two weeks ago I was hired by Canongate Books / Simon's Cat Ltd. to film the launch event for Simon Tofield's new book 'Kitten Chaos'. I shot lots of footage (and some stills) at the event and then spent around a week getting this edited down to this short web-friendly promo film. I'll probably post a bit more soon about shooting the event itself, but in the meantime, please enjoy the film embedded here from the Canongate Books YouTube channel.