
Showing posts with label book launch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book launch. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015

New Book Promo Video for Simon's Cat

Today is the launch of Simon Tofield's new cartoon book 'Off To The Vet.'
I shot and cut this promotional/interview video for Simon's Cat Ltd. and the publisher Canongate Books.

I've been working on quite a few more 'corporate' video projects over the last couple of months, but most of these are 'secret' things that can't be shared. It's nice that the video work I make for Simon's Cat at least gets a decent airing. I wish Simon and his team continuing success.

Monday, March 16, 2015

New Video for 'Sofreh: The Art of Persian Celebration' Book Launch event.

I was very happy to be invited recently to attend the launch event for the new book 'Sofreh, The Art of Persian Celebration' held at the English Speaking Institute in Mayfair. Throughout January, I have been working on video content to be screened at the launch event and possibly other occasions in the future.

I worked with the book's author Maryam Khosrowshahi and publisher (Hali Publishing Ltd.) to create two videos to play continuously for the guests. Sofreh is the art of table presentation for celebratory occasions and practiced in Iran and by Persian communities elsewhere around the world too.

The book is presented in two sumptuously bound volumes; book one 'Nowruz' details Persian New Year celebrations whilst Book two 'Aqd' explores the use of Sofreh displays in Persian weddings. The book explores Sofreh as an artform, including detailed studies of its historical and cultural roles.

Find out more about this fine publication at the book's website here.