

When I'm not busy making promotional films and writing about myself in the third person, I also like to make my own animation and cine films. On this page you can see the kind of animation projects I work on in my own time and with my own resources.

THE FUTURA GOLD: episode 01 2012 duration 02:00

This is the first episode of a new animated epic adventure series. Like my 2009 film TXT ISLAND, all of the visual elements here are typographical; but this time, the imagery is based on the classic Futura typeface. The on-line audience are encouraged to contribute their story ideas in response to the question 'What happens Next?'

THE FUTURA GOLD: episode 02 2012 duration 02:00
This is the second episode of a new animated epic adventure series.

THE FUTURA GOLD: episode 03 2012 duration 02:00
This is the third episode of a new animated epic adventure series.

STUTTGART 10 2011 duration 01:56

My animated short film TXT ISLAND did pretty well as animated short films go. I was invited over to the 2010 Stuttgart Animation Festival when TXT ISLAND was selected for the Official Competition there. I spent a fantastic long weekend at the festival and was inspired to use the little Panasonic compact camera I had with me to make this little experimental travelogue.

TXT ISLAND 2009 duration 03:30

A typographical tale of epic misadventure... Nominee for 'Best Short Film' at the 2010 British Animation Awards and also 'Runner Up' at Rushes Soho Shorts (UK) and Born Shorts (Denmark), this film has gone on to festival screenings at over 30 film and animation festivals worldwide. See the TXT ISLAND microsite ... and buy the T shirts.

MASHMATIK 2009 duration 01:13

This mash-up film was made for the Getty Images 'MishMash' competition in 2009. The brief was to submit a music video mostly using music, footage and stills sourced from the vast Getty Images online image library. I added a little bit of numeric animation of my own too, and here it is. This film was chosen as a Finalist by the judges, but alas no prizes ;(

EVO 2006 duration 02:30

This is an earlier short film in which I thought it would be a good idea to show an evolutionary 'timeline' from the primordial swamps to the cities of today. The film had a rather more modest trajectory, but did make several festival appearances too. I did everything on this one, even the music.