
Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Latest Job: My Father's Dragon

On November 12th 2022 (three weeks ago) the new Netflix animated feature film "My Father's Dragon" was released on the platform. I'm very happy to have worked on this for around 13 months as a Compositor for Cartoon Saloon.

Although this turned out to be a WFH (Working from home) job, I was finally able to visit Kilkenny in early October for the wrap party weekend, and I finally got to meet many of my 'virtual colleagues' there. Cartoon Saloon is a very, very special animation studio, world-renowned for bringing a uniquely creative approach to feature and series production.

A week later I was also priveledged to get a crew ticket to the Official Cinema Premiere of the film at the BFI Southbank where the film debuted at the London Film Festival on Saturday 8th October.

After over twenty years of using After Effects in animation compositing work, working on MFD was my first job using Nuke. It's a completely different, node-based approach to compositing (like Animo used to be!) and I really enjoyed the process of using it and learning this new skill "on the job". I will eternally be grateful to my comping colleagues at Cartoon Saloon who so readily and patiently shared their knowledge with me and helped me get to know the system better.

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