
Wednesday, February 05, 2014

'Cable Car' in Sony Production Awards 2014 Competition

The Sony Production Awards is a competition is open to short films made with any camera. I'm guessing there wont be many other entries shot on Super8 film. My film 'Cable Car' is on there now. If you click on this movie and watch it here, your click and maybe even your vote will be very welcome.


Anonymous said...

very nice film, congrats.
which film stock did you use?
Wittner/Agfa APX?

chrisgavin said...

Hi Anon,

Many thanks for your interest in this. This Super 8 film was shot on Argenti brand BW neg film (APX 100). The camera was a Nizo 156XL, (a Panasonic LA7200 anamorphic lens adapter was used too to get 16x9 footage.) The film was home-processed and DIY digitized.

Anonymous said...

ah, great, thank you for the information.
I did forget about UN 54.
the argenti pan X Super 8 cartridges contain Orwo UN 54 stock. Very nice stock.

chrisgavin said...

Hmmm, I'm pretty sure these Argenti carts have Agfa APX100 inside, like this...

Anonymous said...

the name APX means "Argenti Pan X". Maybe customers shall believe it is agfa apx inside. but this is not the case. it is orwo un 54 and I know that 100% for sure. wittner in germany has filled those cartridges. they also sell the same stock under their own brand (wittner b&w 54).

chrisgavin said...

Thanks for this info. I didn't know that.

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