
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Enfield on Super8 Film (More stills)

More stills of my home town Enfield. These were shot recently on my Nizo 156XL Super 8 cine camera. I've shot two 50 foot super 8 cartridges for this project so far, I reckon I'll need to shoot just one more.

The work-flow of sending the cartridges away is rather tedious, (the film goes to Germany for processing then Sweden for telecine!) but it's a real thrill when the film finally comes back. The second reel came back today. I'm currently editing the footage I've shot so far and I've still got to shoot some more.

There'll be quite some time before the film is finished, so in the meantime, please do enjoy these stills : )


dazzer1970 said...

Love that saturdated look. I'm the guy who stopped you in the street and we chatted about the joys of super 8 for a little while.

Really looking forward to seeing your finished footage.

chrisgavin said...

Hello there.

Thanks for commenting, nice to hear from you.
I still need to go out filming a few more times yet. The film is quite a long way from being done yet, but I'm hoping if you check back here in a couple of months, there might be something to see : )

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