Thursday, September 15, 2005

Making Movie

Since the beginning of this year I've been working to make a short animated film though It's not got a title yet...

Quite a lot has been done already; I'm hoping that the piece might be around 2 minutes long. I'm planning to document progress here, and invite feedback from readers.

This image is from an earlier test. It suggests some of the themes and techniques I'm pursuing. The movie would represent a journey through space and time, a road journey encompassing all human evolution from nomadic wanderers to city dwellers. A kind of 'uber timelapse' compressing tens of thousands of years into a couple of screen minutes. All elements would construct themselves on screen and possibly be represented in a multi layered or stratified form.


Anonymous said...

nice one chris
cant wait to see the finished thing - when can we expect more? also, how did the sky job go? is it one our screens yet?
keep up the good work

a fan

chrisgavin said...

Thanks anonymous...

Someone actually reads this stuff!
I'll post some more info about work stuff soon. Work in progress on THE SHORT has ground to a halt while my first few directing jobs at Tandem demand more time/attention.
The main point of the blog is to document the 'art' stuff, but I've now worked on 3 of these promos for Sky, so things are moving on apace there.